Friday, August 10, 2012

The beginning of something...

Being as this is my first entry into my professional blog I would like to take the time to extend a welcome to those of you have stumbled in here, Twitter followers, Facebook friends, LinkedIn connections, and overall fans of video games and design.  I have been a fan of video games dating back to when I was a child were the best parts of the day were walking to a local laundry mat in Brooklyn to play Super Street Fighter 2 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:  Turtles in Time, over time this thrill of going out to play arcade games turned into the thrill of waiting in line at Game Stop for the midnight release of the newest Halo.  As I begin my journey into the gaming industry it is also a time of new beginnings for this beloved franchise and all those working at 343 Industries.

When I look at the new vision 343 Industries has brought to the Halo franchise all I can see is one that is not only fresh but it is as bold as it is immersive.  In the beginning of the franchise players were immersed in the world around them as the infamous level "Flawless Cowboy" set the tone for an alien world full of vast environments of hills just waiting for a warthog to be drive over them and catch some air.  As the franchise progressed with two sequels, one spin off, and one prequel there was one constant, one goal that Bungie kept trying to achieve, having the player know the Spartans as both soldiers and humans.  This was tried through the improved story elements, visual upgrades, and beautifully crafted music, it isn't until seeing 343's approach of increased immersion in both single player and multi player design in order to have the player BE a Spartan rather than live through there tales of heroism.     

The above screenshot is from the newest video media released by 343 Industries for Halo 4 titled UNSC Weapons which showcases, you guessed it the UNSC toys in Halo 4's large sandbox of destruction.  This screenshot is merely one example of the new tricks employed to immerse the player in the shoes of their Spartan, it starts with of course the visor view.  With a weapon selected that does not support zoom, the Assault Rifle for example, players are greeted with a few a zoomed in view through their visor in which 343 has darkened the edges of the screen to emulate the player focusing at what is ahead.  What others might notice in this first shot are the HUD elements to your left.   

Ah a familiar friend the 'Headcase" medal from Halo: Reach, Bungie was praised by fans for their new medal design, rugged and believable as an actual war medal.  When a medal was earned in multi player it was easy to see, stood out like a sore thumb on the left side of the screen, allowing you to see your glorious achievement but in times of war medals are not awarded on the scene, waived in front of a soldiers eyes as motivation to push forward.  In a training exercise though which is what Halo's multi player was always understood to be, they can be saved for after the match or encouragement can be spoken allowed from team members and instructors.  Halo 4 achieves by a new medal design that blends seamlessly into the HUD as if it is data being sent to you on the fly about your current performance. 

Like the majority of fans who watched this trailer (linked above) you are probably wondering what is that cannon of a gun that appears to shoot fire or a heat charge of some sort?  If you have a designer's eye your attention most likely has drifted away from that gorgeous particle effect and has either drifted to the triangle shield pattern that is flashed when the player is hit or maybe it has drifted to the newly design medal that not only pops in similar to the shield effect upon it being rewarded but also the fact how design and color wise matches the rest of the HUD.  This little visual change speaks volumes for the attention to detail that the people at 343 Industries are putting into the player being immersed in their Spartan, players are not longer looking through the eyes of a Spartan running around in a deadly sandbox but instead they are now the Spartan wearing that helmet as they deal and dodge destruction.  Join me soon for my next entry diving in a little more about myself, my own design philosophies and the immersive atmosphere of Halo 4's multi player maps.  

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