Thursday, August 30, 2012

That's it?

Well hurricane Isaac turned out to be a bit of a dud, in fact me and some friends made time to head to the bar for some drinks and singing Tuesday night.  As far as continuing that post about the game Rain, guess what?  I decided I am not going to, got to thinking and thought really what is the point of talking about the possibility of a game without having seen more than a minute of gameplay clips and ultimately having no idea how they are actually using water as mechanics, other than the visual mechanic of only being seen when under the rain.  Instead I am going to talk about something that is stressed highly when trying to break into the game industry, seems simple but can be very challenging, networking.

Being only a little over 2 months removed from college the biggest thing career advisers from my school tell me is it is about networking, promoting yourself, and making connections with people.  This is all fine and dandy but why wasn't this topic focused on in school?  I saw no forms of networking facilitated by the school itself for students to introduce them to other students from different disciplines, this is something that in hindsight would be extremely beneficial to not just me but anyone looking for work after graduation.  Right now indie games are making a big splash in the industry, being able to have connections upon graduation to at least work on a small project with people from other disciplines in the industry would be a huge plus.  So right now here it is, anyone want to network?  Doesn't that just sound strange?  You don't know me, I don't know you but hey want to talk and bounce ideas off one another?  Actually no, that is not what I want to do.  Everyone has ideas, that is the easy part but now if you would like to work on something actual put a product together then lets talk.

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